Monday, September 15, 2014

Sept 13: bodegas for hobbits

Yesterday and today we came across some interesting bodegas, which are places where individuals sometimes store their wine.  These bodegas are built into the hillsides.  Actually, they look a lot like homes for hobbits.  The first two pictures are of these hillside bodegas.  You can see some of them are very nice looking.  You can also see that some have chimneys coming out of the top of the hill.  And we saw one that even had a large glass block cupola poking up out of the hilltop, presumably to let more natural light in.  We asked the owner of our hotel last night about a certain grouping of bodegas near the hotel.  He said some of them had been built big enough such that people could meet there to play cards, and there was even one that had a tv antenna attached to the chimney so the locals could meet to watch sporting events.

Today we completed 23.7 km.  Other than the town of Sahagún, it was somewhat boring.  The one thing of note is in the past 2 days we have passed 3 different places that have all claimed to be the halfway point on the Camino.  We're not sure which one applies to us but we figure at least one of the three does, so that means we are officially halfway there (hurray!!).  The third picture is of Linda and I standing next to a statue of King Alphonso VI.  This statue was at the last of the 3 places claiming to be the halfway point on the Camino.  It is just outside of Sahagún, which also happens to be where Alphonso VI is buried.

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