Friday, August 22, 2014

First Blog: preparing for the trip

Above is a map of Spain with tiny red dots across the northern part, indicating where we will be stopping along our 33 day hike.  We fly out of Cincinnati August 25, but we don't start hiking until August 27.

We have been getting some training in, but not as much as we probably should.  Today we did our longest training hike so far: 10.8 miles with our full backpack, and we're both pretty sore.  Tomorrow we'll get up early to hike some more, attempting to simulate a little bit what it will be like on El Camino, but we'll probably only get in around 6 to 8 miles Saturday because we have other appointments in the afternoon.  It feels a little bit like training for a marathon, where you don't have to do the full distance as you prepare, but you need to do enough to give yourself the confidence you can make it (at least that's what I keep telling myself :-).

Also of note: this is my first time ever "blogging".  Those of you who know me know I'm not a "techie", so please be patient as I attempt to share our trip.

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